You found my web profile. Well.
Just look around. There's some smart living and computer science related stuff here regarding my positions at Nibelungen-Wohnbau-GmbH Braunschweig↗︎ and Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics↗︎. Also, you'll find things about voluntary work in Aerobic Gymnastics at the German Gymnastics Federation ↗︎.
Read MoreI'm a computer scientist in the field of smart building ad smart living as well as medical and health informatics, currently working as leader of the research and development apartment at Nibelungen-Wohnbau-GmbH Braunschweig↗︎ and as research associate at Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics of TU Braunschweig and Hannover Medical School ↗︎. I have a Dr. rer. nat. as well as a Master and Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with focus topic "medical informatics".
Beyond that, my life all about family and voluntary work.